Saturday, February 24, 2018


Ta'anit Esther - Fast of Esther        

“They had established for themselves and their descendants the matters of the fasts and their cry.” Esther 9:31 (KJV)

The Fast of Esther (Ta'anit Esther) on the 13th of Adar (before Purim) commemorates the three-day fast observed by the Jewish people in the book of Esther.  Because this is not one of the four public fasts ordained by the Prophets, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and those who are weak are not required to observe it.

Purim is the celebration of the deliverance of the Jews from an enemy bent on their destruction. It is celebrated on the 14th and 15th day of Adar (usually in March). 

Purim is the plural of the Hebrew word “pur”, which means lot (used to determine something by chance). It refers to Haman’s use of lots to choose the date for his intended destruction of the Jews.

Throughout the book of Esther, "...the name of God is not there, but His finger certainly is," wrote Matthew Henry. "His providence is obvious – quietly, but sovereignly at work in the lives of men and women."

Although Purim is a minor festival from a religious point of view (it is not mentioned in the Torah as a Feast of the Lord), people celebrate it with fervour.

Until 2 AD, Purim was called “the Day of Mordechai”, or “day of Protection”. People observed the holiday by reciting the story of the Megilah* (Scroll) in their homes and by exchanging gifts.

The Talmud describes public readings during the Second Temple period. Priests were instructed to stop their service in the Temple and listen to the recitation. This practice ended with the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD.
With the canonizing of the book of Esther and the appearance of synagogues, public readings in Hebrew and other languages became widespread. Between the end of the 3rd and beginning of the 5th century AD, the reading of the Hebrew Megillah was universally accepted. The liturgy was the same, but the drama, colour, merrymaking and pageantry varied from country to country. 

During the middle Ages, the celebration was enlivened by masquerades, jesters, musicians and actors. Noisemaking and selecting a Purim queen or king is traced to 14th Century France. Purim plays originated from the 16th century.

Fettmilch's demise and the return of the Jews to Frankfurt
In 1615, in Frankfurt, Germany, a local baker pronounced himself the “new Haman” and organized an attack against the Jews of the town.  Although they fought back, they were driven out of town, and had to leave their possessions behind. A few months later, the city's ruler realized what injustice had been done. A band welcomed the Jews back to Frankfurt, the baker was killed and his house destroyed. A plaque described his misdeeds and punishment. From that day on, Purim became a special celebration for the Jews in Frankfurt.  During the festival they read a special Megillah recalling their story.

The walking type of theatre, the Purim “shpil” eventually became stage performances. Until World War II, in Germany and Eastern Europe performances took place during the month of Adar. 
In Western Europe, North America and Israel, the emphasis was more on Purim masquerade parties for adults and children.

The book of Esther is usually written on a parchment scroll from a kosher animal. The Megillah (scroll) is often illustrated (permitted because the name of God is not mentioned in it).  

The scroll is read in synagogue on the eve of Purim and the next morning. Each time the name of Haman is mentioned, the people use their ra’ashan (greggers) and stamp their feet to drown out Haman’s name.

Purim is a feast of gladness, and the only time people are allowed to get drunk – so they no longer remember whether it was Mordechai or Haman who was to be praised or cursed.

During this festival, people send misloach manot (gifts to the poor). It is also customary to give money. In synagogue, just before the reading of the Megillah, male congregants often donate coins as a reminder of the custom that every Jew over twenty years old, paid half a shekel for the upkeep of the Temple in Jerusalem.

Because the city of Shusan was a walled city, an extra day was added for the celebrations. This is the reason why a walled city like Jerusalem celebrates Purim on the 15th of Adar. Purim is an official school holiday in Israel and the streets are filled with children and adults wearing various costumes, funny hats or wigs.

Oznei Haman

Oznei Haman or Haman Tashen (Haman’s ears) are three-cornered cookies which are a favourite Purim treat. One of the fillings is poppy-seed, called “mohn”  in Yiddish, which sounds a bit like “Haman”. Oznei Haman refers to the old European custom of cutting off criminal’s ears before they were hanged.



© 2024  Petra van der Zande

Exerpt from the book: Remember, Observe, Rejoice – A guide to the Jewish Feast, Holidays, Memorial Days and Events. 

Available through or at Jerusalem Baptist Church

The book is also available in Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Traditional and Simplified Chinese.