Sunday, October 11, 2020

Pastor Appreciation Sunday 2020


TODAY, October 11,   is a special day!

Celebrated annually on the second Sunday in October falls a nonofficial holiday called

Pastor Appreciation Day. 

Sometimes called Clergy Appreciation Day, this holiday occurs during Pastor Appreciation Month and celebrates the contributions of priests, pastors, reverends and ministers. Mainly celebrated in the U.S. it’s a good custom, also to celebrate in Jerusalem!

March is ‘officially’ Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Day, which we forgot, that’s why we also say THANKS to Billie for the amazing team that she and Pastor Al are!

Due to the Covid restrictions, we had to meet outside in the garden, behind the church. 

Wim read two the two poems (see pictures) - one about the Pastor and the other about the Pastor's wife. 

Yes, we are truly blessed with our Pastor! 


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